Course Descriptions
HIS 111 - United States History I - to 1865
3 Credits
A historical survey from early Native American-European exchange to 1865, the end of the Civil War. Key topics include the settling of what became the U.S., the growing rift between the colonists and Great Britain, the American Revolution, the framing and implementation of the Constitution, Jacksonian Democracy and its influence on America, the impact of antebellum reform, slavery, the growth of industry, territorial expansion, and the Civil War.
Learning Attributes: WR
New SUNY General Education: SUNY - U.S. History and Civic Engagement
Retiring SUNY General Education: SUNY-AH - American History (SAMH)
MCC General Education: MCC-SSD - Social Science and Diversity (MSSD)
Course Learning Outcomes
. 1. Discuss the economic development within the United States.
2. Describe various forms of social organization and social movements.
3. Discuss the pursuit of and challenges to freedom: the full enjoyment of rights and liberties mentioned, both explicitly and implicitly, in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
4. Discuss selected wars during this era.
5. Articulate the various domestic and foreign ideological struggles during the time period.
6. Explain the ideas of global integration, global migration (demographic shift), and global conflict.
7. Assess the increase in both the authority and the expectations of the federal government.
8. Describe various cultural developments emerging during the period covered in this course.
9. Utilize writing to communicate an understanding, application, analysis or evaluation of history.
Course Offered Fall, Spring
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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025